Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Introducing the Morpheus Server!

Yes think it's time to do a piece on the Morpheus Server!

A while back I have done a bit here and there on the Morpheus Server but a lot of that was based on the pre-production unit and it always amazes me after the prototype stage how much more work is required to get the unit in production with all the cosmetics ready!

Anyway, as you may or may not know, the Morpheus Server is designed to be beautiful and quiet from scratch. It is not just a re-badged PC that rattles you to insanity, but a rather desirable piece of electronics. Stylish and functional, attractive but discreet.

The Morpheus Server casing starts off with a solid piece of aluminium tube with 6mm thick walls, cut and CNC machined to exact size required with all the apertures required to allow the unusual assemble process. Unusual because as case is actually a tube, all the assembly needs to be done inside with access only from the sides of the tube (it's a bit like knitting a sweater inside a bucket... not that I do any knitting!).

Some pics of the server case in progress:

Another one while on the CNC:

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